McKenzie and Willis - Dunedin
This is another challenging project because the company has moved into an old building in the city. The open-plan nature of the store means the room has to be carved up into segments. This is because each area needs its own distinctive feel and the lighting plan needs to create the right mood for each space.
The lighting needed for displays is quite different to that required to present fabrics and bedding in a way that makes them maximise their appeal to customers. For example, with fabrics, it's vital to have the correct light intensity and colour temperature to show the consistency of the colour.
Without this, a colour can look different when a shopper moves it from one spot to another. How many times have you bought something, only to see it as a slightly different colour when you get home? This is a common problem and one that's fixed with a good lighting design.
I'm still working on this project, but it should be completed shortly.
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