Gifting of design for Earthquake Memorial Sculpture
April, 2012
Most of my comments about the Christchurch Earthquake are focused on the massive opportunity we now have to create a breathtaking feel and ambience after dark to rival cities like Paris and Brisbane.
However, when making these comments, I’m well aware that many loved ones were lost and families across the world are hurting. Apart from New Zealand, Japan was the country with the most loss of live on February 22, 2011. Not only did they have their own disaster just weeks after ours, but 28 Japanese were killed here in the CTV Building.
So when I was commissioned to produce a lighting design for a Memorial Sculpture to commemorate the 28 Japanese who lost their lives here, I felt I couldn’t take any money for it. I decided to gift it. While small, this will help create somewhere the families and friends of those victims can come to honour their loved ones who perished here.
The sculpture was commissioned by David Bolam-Smith and the artist was Annable Menzies-Joyce.
My contribution of light to the Sculpture was to shine as a beacon of love and support. It was unveiled at the Christ’s College Chapel on the first anniversary of the February 22 quake.
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